Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Diwali 2015

Wishing all the members a very happy and prosperous Diwali.  May Godess Lakshmi shower her blessing to all of you.  God bless.




  1. Six things we traditionally do during Diwali, which if we do with understanding would make our Diwali spiritual and meaningful;
    1. Cleaning of house - Let us also clean our mind of all the accumulated dirt of kama, krodha, moha, mada, matsarya, and lobha
    2. We buy/ bring in new things - let us acquire true knowledge
    3. We eat sweets - let us share and sweeten other life, particularly of down trodden
    4. We light lamps- let us light lamp of knowledge and spread it.
    5. We do Laxmi Puja - let us pray for furtherance of our spiritual wealth
    6. We burst crackers - let us burst our ego - noise less. but peace descends

  2. Sir now that 13th is gone,where do u see nifty

